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OICR poets read from their work at the 2021 Airstream Poetry Festival  — Chibụìhè Obi Achịmbà, Emma Biggerstaff, Annelyse Gelman
to Oct 24

OICR poets read from their work at the 2021 Airstream Poetry Festival — Chibụìhè Obi Achịmbà, Emma Biggerstaff, Annelyse Gelman

  • The Oregon Institute for Creative Research (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chibụìhè Obi Achịmbà, Literary Arts Program, Brown University; Summer 2020 OICR Visiting Artist

Emma Biggerstaff, OICR Research Cohort

Annelyse Gelman, 2021-2022 OICR Poet-in-Residence

CT+CR Collective:

Anne-Marie Oliver
Barry Sanders
Chibụìhè Obi Achịmbà
Crystal Otero
Erika M. Anderson
Emma Biggerstaff
Hallie Campbell
Joseph Phillips
Laura Grace Dodd
Leif Shackleford
Nic Tarter
Trace Fleeman y Garcia
Vivina Boster

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to Oct 21

The Sea as Seen from the Shore by Flashlight (A Reading of Poetry Devoted to the Sea, beginning with Jules Michelet’s "La Mer")


Starting with Jules Michelet’s 1861 encomium to the Sea, La Mer, with its devastatingly-named chapters (“The Genesis of the Sea,” “Fecundity,” “The Milky Sea,” “The Atom,” “Blood-Flower,” “The Law of Storms,” “The World Makers,” “Daughter of the Seas,” and so forth), this event, the title of which riffs on one of Michelet’s chapter titles, is devoted to celebrating the Sea, and we invite friends and strangers alike to join us in reading poetry devoted to the Sea.  Please bring with you what you consider to be the most beautiful poem, or piece of prose as dense as poetry, concerning the Sea:  a piece of writing that captures, limns, traces, and evokes the Sea in dazzling flashes of light.

OICR at Airstream Poetry Festival, Oct. 2018.jpg
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